Investing is not just for the wealthy, it is actually for everybody. It is a great way to make passive income and a great way to have your money work for yourself. If you have money put aside on the bank. Not doing anything, then you’re earning almost no interest in those funds, and many times you’re earning absolutely no interest in this case you are throwing away free money. Because the reason for this is you could simply use those funds and invest them wisely with a few little hands from our free book. And you could be earning up to 10% per year.Â
Imagine if you have $20,000 lying in the bank, and you’re earning zero percent on that money. Well if you’ve invested with our strategies. You should be able to earn roughly 10% per year. That means you can double your money in eight years. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you keep doubling it every eight years. Then in 30 years, you would have quite a significant sum. Your sum, if it doubles three times would be $40,000 then 80,000 than $160,000. So $160,000 is nothing to sneeze about. Now if you just held it in your account for the same time, you would probably have $21,000. So why would you rather have $21,000 or $160,000?

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If you would prefer $160,000, we suggest you click here to find out how with our free investment book. It goes through the quick steps you need to get started. And it makes things simple for you. There are no guarantees in life, and especially when you’re looking for investment, but these strategies, can you use the lowest risk with the highest rate of return. You can succeed and you do not need to be super-wealthy and you do not need to be part of a member of a board or part, some part of some secret group that only businessmen. No, that’s not the case, you can make a good return on your savings. In fact, with our book, you will be getting a better return than most people on Wall Street.

Most people on Wall Street will earn somewhere between 6% to 9%, per year. That’s because they invest in very expensive mutual funds that take a big portion of your profit before they do this they incur a lot of fees, and they pay a lot of expenses to get the best brokers, they very rarely beat the market. So why pay all those extra fees for someone that’s not going to beat the market. Why not get the exact rate that the market gets, and forego those fees.
Imagine the market on average increases by about 10% per year. And imagine, on average, you have to pay 2% in fees so you could get 10% less than 2% fees and get a return of 8%, or you could simply say I’m not going to pay those fees and get 10% return. Which one is better. We will show you how to do this with our strategies. It is very low risk because you’re putting your investment into a pool of funds not investing in one stock.

We will also show you other mechanisms, you can use to increase your money further but this strategy that we’re recommending for you is for the beginner because it’s very low risk. And it’s a very high rate of return, higher than most any mutual funds. These are strategies used by the rich and famous Warren Buffett recommends this sort of strategy, and he has said so himself. To find out the strategies that some of the richest people in the world recommend you to.
As a beginner, we will not recommend you to do day trading. Although many will recommend that it is too high risk, we would prefer that you fully understand the mechanics of investing before you start with something as highly risky as day trading. We also advise you to first try out on a demo account. So that way, you can see that it works, long term strategy, so you need to be a want to put in the years. It is money that you’re going to invest today, and it’s going to stay in for the next 1020 or 30 years.

But when you take it out, it’s going to be significantly greater than when you put it in. Be sure that you ready, and we will be there to help you guide you on your way. You need to understand that there are some risks. Let me give you an example. If the average rate of return per year is 10%. There might be a year where you lose 10%, and then there might be another year where you gain 20%. But overall, when you add them all up, you get an overall benefit. If you don’t stay in for the long term. You can get scared of one loss, then you’re not going to get a rate of return, you need to stay in for the long term, either. You could lose 5% in one year or 10%, rather than pulling out, which is the wrong thing to do. You need to do the opposite of the one your instincts are telling you, you just lost 10% your instinct is to pull out. What you need to do is the opposite. You need to invest more.
This way you will get a bigger return. Look at the stock rates in 2008 /2009. They all commented if you had invested in 2007 and 2008. Before the decline, you would have lost a lot of money if you pulled it out once they had declined. But if you had followed our rules, instead of pulling it out. You doubled your investment in the next number of years, you wouldn’t have gained significantly. So, you need to understand that when the stocks go down, it’s not a time to panic, it’s a time to buy more. It means deals to be had. Now, you must focus on a portfolio of stocks, not on only one.

f you’re gonna choose one stock then there is a chance that that stock can keep going down and down and you will lose your shirt, we do not recommend you do when you read our book you will see clearly that what we’re recommending is that you purchase a pool of funds such as an ETF read the book downloaded it’s free. We’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have. Also, feel free to follow up with them stockbroker, we recommend that you do this as a good step for doing however take the recommendation with a bit of a grain of salt because the stockbroker may be trying to push mutual funds.

If this is the case say thank you very much. What are the fees on the mutual funds, and how does the mutual fee mutual fund compares to the market over the last 10 years. This is a very valid question for you to ask and you need to do so. If ever you’re considering a mutual fund over ETF, you might find that you don’t get creative answers from the stockbroker that has just recommended mutual fund over the ETF take that for what it is, you’d have a mutual fund with more than 10 or 20 years of solid growth, beating the market with lower fees, then don’t invest in the mutual fund. In the s&p 500 and it’s averaged 8% growth over the last 40 years. Well, why would you choose the mutual fund that has high fees? And that’s only gained five, or 6%, on average per year. If the stockbroker has some reason for you, it might be valid. But just remember it might not be valid, we would be glad to give you free advice on this issue. It is more than likely, the stock picker, say, Yes, that is true. And perhaps you should go with ATF. It is not to this. Feel free to let us know I’m will give that stockbroker a call and find out what they’re thinking because right now we cannot think of a mutual fund that has had a certain industry that can compete with the market. We wouldn’t have on that has done so.
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