Training on Personal Finances

This is our goal of how we would like you to react when looking at your financial situation.

We want you to be surprised and happy, like when you were a kid!

We believe this is possible, but it will take time and perseverance.

As we all know, Rome was not built in a day!

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

These famous words are very true, the same goes for personal finances. If you do not have a plan, then you will fail.
I understand that as things are bad, we do not want to look at things, but this is the time we should most focus on them. What is interesting with human nature and particularly with finance, we do not mind looking at things when everything is going well.

But when things are taking a rough turn, we would rather not look at them. The time to review is exactly when things are not going right.

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Personal Financial Planning

Normal Price at $19.99

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